What keyboard shortcuts are available?
When editing a note on a Chromebook or Android device with a physical mouse and keyboard, the following key combinations are available:
Key combination | Action |
Ctrl + Z | Undo |
Ctrl + Shift + Z | Redo |
Ctrl + A | Select all items on page |
Ctrl + X | Cut selected item(s) |
Ctrl + C | Copy selected item(s) |
Ctrl + V | Paste from clipboard |
Delete or Backspace | Delete selected item(s) |
Left Arrow | Move selected item(s) to the left. If no items are selected, pan page to the left. |
Right Arrow | Move selected item(s) to the right. If no items are selected, pan page to the right. |
Up Arrow | Move selected item(s) up. If no items are selected, pan page up. |
Down Arrow | Move selected item(s) down. If no items are selected, pan page down. |
Ctrl + Left Arrow | Move selected item(s) to the left at very small increments. If no items are selected, pan page to the left at very small increments. |
Ctrl + Right Arrow | Move selected item(s) to the right at very small increments. If no items are selected, pan page to the right at very small increments. |
Ctrl + Up Arrow | Move selected item(s) up at very small increments. If no items are selected, pan page up at very small increments. |
Ctrl + Down Arrow | Move selected item(s) down at very small increments. If no items are selected, pan page down at very small increments. |
Alt + Left Arrow | Go to previous page |
Alt + Right Arrow | Go to next page |
Mouse scroll wheel | Pan page vertically |
Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel | Zoom page |
Shift + Mouse scroll wheel | Pan page horizontally |
Mouse scroll wheel click or middle mouse button click | Pan page |