- What is a Squid Note (.squidnote) file?
- Why is Papyrus now called Squid?
- I want my finger to write/draw. Why does it keep erasing things?
- What Android permissions are required by Squid?
- How does the Samsung multi-window feature work?
- Where are my notes saved on Android?
- How can I join the beta testing program?
- What happens when I insert a password protected PDF into a note?
- Is Squid compatible with Chromebooks / ChromeOS?
- What keyboard shortcuts are available?
- Why doesn't Drive or app ____ show up on my Chromebook when I import a PDF?
- Why doesn't Gmail, Drive, or app ____ show up on my Chromebook when I export a note?
- Why doesn't Photos, Drive, or app ____ show up on my Chromebook when I add an image?
- Which devices support low-latency ink in Squid?
- I received a prompt to uninstall and reinstall Squid, but after reinstalling, my backup was not automatically restored. How do I restore it?
- Is Squid compatible with Windows?
- Takeout: Export Notes in a Portable Format
- Backup failed: Another backup is in progress