How do I trash (delete) a note?
The first step to deleting a note is to move it to Trash.
- Long press on a note to select it, then tap any additional notes you wish to select. You can also select all notes in a notebook.
- Tap Move to Trash in the upper right corner of the app or from the overflow menu to move all selected notes to Trash.
Notes will stay in the Trash until they are restored, permanently deleted, or Trash is emptied.
If you want to delete a single page from a note, see How do I remove/delete a page?

Squid 3.8.0 and older:
Please note that deleting a note is not reversible.
- Long press on a note to select it, then tap any additional notes you wish to select. You can also select all notes in a notebook.
- Tap Delete in the upper right corner of the screen or from the overflow menu.